People who really just needed one more drink before going

People who really just needed one more drink before going

Jack Daniel 1. “One last drink, please” – Jack Daniel Jasper Newton Daniel was an American distiller and business person most famous for the creation of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey. Daniel famously requested one last drink on his death bed. We can only speculate that his last drink must have been his own famous smoothest sippin’ whiskey. Carl Jung 2. "Let's have a really good red wine tonight." – Carl...

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Is memorial jewelry against my religion?

Is memorial jewelry against my religion?

Is Memorial Jewelry Against My Religion? Memorial Jewelry has been around for centuries but has become increasingly popular in the last couple of years. Memorial Jewelry takes many different forms, from symbolic jewelry to cremation jewelry, and ash-made jewelry. For many people it will be important to understand what type of memorial jewelry follow the laws of their religious tradition. What If My Religion Requires Remains to Be Buried? For...

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Protecting your marriage after the loss of a child

Protecting your marriage after the loss of a child

The loss of a child is a rare, unnatural event that will leave parents who are left behind with an overwhelming multitude of emotions. While it is a common belief that shared adversity helps couples grow closer together, this is not always the case after experience the loss of a loved one, especially a child. It is important that regardless of the specific circumstances of the loss, both spouses try...

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People who kept things light until the end

People who kept things light until the end

Charles Gussman 1. “And now for a final word from our sponsor—.” Charles Gussman Charles Gussman was a television writer, especially known for naming and writing pilot episode of the famous show “Days of Our Lives”. Later on he joked “the big guys loved it because it didn’t mean a thing”. Mr. Gussman had always said he wanted his last words to be memorable. When his daughter reminded him of...

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